16 random things about Wax, part four

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habit, or goals about you.

13. Terri Smith, Wax’s Editorial Director, Special Projects, once taught a course in the psychology of love at the University of Richmond.

200366580-00114. Reporting from somewhere in western Montana is staff writer/editor Greg Ling, who is also a published poet: “Creativity comes in all types of currency, some worth more than others. The elements can play a role — if the blood’s boiling, you may get a rapid release. But on the cold front, it gathers and breaks off, cascading like an ice sheet into the waiting ocean, slowly melting in the waves. Some might say this yields the best result — a fluid mixture that retains some degree of solidity, especially amid the arctic blasts. That’s why Wax has a presence in the north, hunkered down in Montana, strung out in old missile silos where temps can hover in the teens and below, without wind chill.”

15. Kelley Kirk, our Interactive Account Executive, spent some of her formative years in the 1980s as staff ombudsman for U.S. Sen. Lawton Chiles (D-Fla.), chairman of the budget committee. She hasn’t worked in politics since.

16.  While a  university student in Cuba, Associate Art Director Claudio Figueroa won a gold medal in a swimming competition in the 50-meter butterfly. It was the only gold medal his school won during those years, and it liberated him from tedious twice-weekly sports classes for the next two years. Sadly, it has not freed him from doing the heavy lifting in the art department, literally and figuratively, where he’s equally adept at moving around everything from massive file cabinets to huge Photoshop files.

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