Custom publishing for B2E

You already know that custom publishing enhances your worth among clients and partners. So it’s not a stretch to say that the same thing is true among company employees. Anyone who works for someone will tell you that feedback about personal performance and company developments are important factors in whether or not he/she is satisfied with their employer. The Custom Publishing Council’s most recent edition of Content emphasizes that now, especially “in highly distressed industries,” the need to keep employees informed and happy is dire. While companies should be careful not to give off a false sense of security or neglect to mention the obvious if things are really bad, employees would welcome a few minutes away from day-to-day tasks to peruse an eNewsletter, updated intranet page, company blog or print publication. And the content doesn’t have to be a status check of the company’s books or personnel changes. Do exactly what you would do for your clients. Offer relevant information that employees will look forward to receiving.

For employers whose budgets are already strained and who’ve actually cut back on publications for clients, you have to ask yourself which is more important: B2C or B2E? We say both.

– Natasha Dorsainvil

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