Custom Publishing: Take Control of Your Brand

Communication with patients and potential patients is key to any healthcare facility’s success; it’s essential for branding and other marketing purposes. But unlike other industries – like retail and automotive – hard-hitting advertising doesn’t translate well in the world of medicine.

In healthcare, marketing revolves around passion and realization. One very successful way to portray these attributes is through custom publishing. This medium provides a great platform for a facility to “tell its story,” build its brand, connect with potential patients and possibly even create a new revenue stream.

In contrast to a print ad in a publication or banner ad you purchase on a website, custom publishing gives you full control of the content – both the advertising and editorial sides. There’s no third party to edit you.

This freedom gives you a better opportunity to connect with your readers. For example, you can really “paint a picture” of a new technology you used to save a person’s life via custom publishing. In comparison, this is something that would be very difficult to communicate via traditional advertising, where you don’t have full creative control.

Another benefit to custom publishing is its affordability. Even facilities with limited budgets can build their brands at very reasonable costs, especially via digital media.  If the content provides real value, it may even be used as a credible source and position you as an expert in a particular field or subject area.

Wax Custom Communications can help position you as a brand influencer through custom publishing. To find out more, contact us at 305-350-5700 or visit

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