digital assets

5 Tips for Managing Your Digital Assets

Is keeping track of digital assets giving you sleepless nights? Are you wondering where you’ll find that precious original image file or initial artwork for your company logo? Oh wait, that was three years ago when you were using different graphic design software, art files were stored on the old server and… argghh!

Stats from McKinsey Global Institute show the average worker spends one full day out of every five searching for digital assets from different locations. This makes centralized digital asset management (DAM) an essential function for healthcare companies.

Some ways you can manage your assets are:

Tip #1: Purchase an asset management system

Your healthcare organization is unique, and so are your challenges and your digital assets. Choose a vendor whose product is customizable to meet your needs, and get a comprehensive proposal that includes implementing the system across your business.

Tip #2: Create an asset bank with centralized, cloud-based storage

This could make use of a common storage option like Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon or iCloud, or you could create a virtual data room account with an independent vendor. Use different levels of access for the various users, based on seniority and functions.

Tip #3: Plot an intuitive folder structure

Just as drawers and dividers keep your clothes organized, a well-planned structure based on logic makes searching for assets faster. The best structure is one that mimics how people work, so get input from your primary users for this.

Are assets created and stored by timeframe? Or do you work around individual projects? Would a hierarchy with nested folders work, or does a flat structure make more sense for you?

Tip #4: Use easy file-naming conventions

Naming files appropriately is a critical step in managing digital assets. Notice we said “appropriately,” not “correctly.” That’s because file names need to be crafted specifically for your organization. They should also be:

  • Unique
  • Indicate contents of the file
  • Easily scannable with the human eye
  • Consistently named and version-tagged
  • Ordered numerically or alphabetically

Don’t try to be too academic about this — rather focus on making it intuitive for your users than anything else.

Tip #5: Develop metadata standards

The secret to well-organized digital assets is having comprehensive metadata standards for identification purposes. These include key terms describing the asset, file type, creation date, and information needed to search the system successfully.

Digital files are a priority asset for your business, and worth looking after.

For more information on healthcare marketing and to learn about working with a marketing agency, call Wax Custom Communications at 305-350-5700 or visit