Do I need a Marketing Agency

Do I Need a Marketing Agency? Yes. Here’s Why …

You can find just about anything on the Internet. That includes suites of marketing tools designed to turn your organization into a promotional machine. With all these handy resources available, why even bother hiring a marketing agency? There are still plenty of reasons you need a team of experts running the show:

1. You don’t know everything.
We don’t mean this in a bad way. It’s just that not everyone has the specialized knowledge to use these readily accessible tools to the fullest. Unless you’ve really spent your time “in the trenches” with these platforms, you’re losing out on a lot of opportunities. Having expert support handling the minutiae while you focus on the big picture opens a world of untapped marketing potential.

2. You can’t do everything. This goes hand in hand with the above point. Depending on the size of your in-house staff, it may be impossible to take on certain marketing responsibilities. A marketing agency lets you hand off specific responsibilities so you can focus on what matters most to you (and your organization). That way, you’re not cutting corners. Trying to do everything on limited resources is a formula for disaster and missed opportunities.

3. It’s cost-effective. This isn’t always true, but it’s often the case. If you try to hire your own expert marketing staff, there are many considerations that come with it – salary is just one part of the expense. You also have to deal with employee benefits, training and other factors that can affect your bottom line. If you decide to opt for a marketing fee, you don’t really have to worry about those issues. Payment can also be more flexible: You may be able to pay per project or opt for a retainer.

4. You get an outside perspective. One obstacle that in-house marketing staffs face constantly is “thinking inside the box.” When you’re surrounded by people who are all on the same page, it’s easy to lose track of what’s going on outside of the office. Hiring a marketing agency can offer fresh viewpoints on your efforts that you’d otherwise be insulated from. If your current initiatives aren’t getting you anywhere, a marketing agency might be just what you need to inject your brand with life.

Ready to maximize your marketing efforts? Call Wax Custom Communications at (305) 350-5700 today.