How SlideShare Can Increase Your Hospital’s Credibility

A hospital’s credibility is important for patient recruitment and retention. If you provide visible support through hospital leadership, people will come to you, utilize your services and become ambassadors on your behalf.

One way to gain credibility is by using SlideShare. SlideShare is a popular presentation tool that allows you to create presentations, upload them to the cloud, and share them with others.

Compared to other social media channels that use frustrating algorithms and have less ability to stand out from a crowd, SlideShare is a great way to generate exposure very quickly.

But as a hospital, what are the best ways to generate content on SlideShare? Here are a few ideas that may help:

  • Does your facility create white papers on areas of expertise? Take the most relevant sections within the paper, summarize it down and create slides from it. Within the slides, create links back to the white paper so the reader has an opportunity to get the additional information.
  • Create presentations on do-it-yourself or how-to guides. For example, create a presentation on how to perform first aid if you don’t know CPR or how to best apply a tourniquet. People are visual and will find it very useful to have a presentation they can easily refer to in case of an emergency.
  • Does your hospital have a physician that is a leader in their field? Create a presentation listing the top 10 physicians within a particular field and highlight/showcase the ones that work at your hospital.

SlideShare can be a great social media tool if utilized and optimized properly. Call Wax Custom Communications at 305-350-5700 for assistance in creating great presentations that will support and improve your hospital’s credibility.

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