How to Make Online Surveys More Compelling

Surveys can provide vital insights about your audience. There’s just one problem: getting people to fill them out. Surveys require that someone take the time to fill them out honestly and in a timely fashion. In this always-on world, that’s asking a lot.

Still, there are ways to optimize your surveys and increase the likelihood that someone provides you with valuable information about your products and/or services.

Here are just a few ways you can improve your surveys and make them more compelling.

1. Personalize the survey. You’d be surprised how many companies continue to address their audience as “Dear Valued Customer” or by another impersonal handle. If you have your customers’ names, use them. What’s the first thing you do when someone calls your name? You pay attention. Same goes for being your name in print – your customers will pay attention.

2. Keep things simple. It’s increasingly likely that the survey is being taken on a mobile device. Taking a 100-question survey on a phone or another small screen is far from ideal. Keep your surveys short by collecting only the information you need – don’t get fancy with extra questions. The longer the survey, the likelier your audience will drop off. On that note…

3. Bring images to the forefront. Aside from less text, use more color. Compelling images and colors are a lot more appealing than blocks and blocks of copy. Create a custom image or use a template if resources are light – just avoid drowning your audience with boring visuals.

4. Spruce up those CTAs. Phrases like “take the survey” don’t really provide much incentive. “Enter our raffle” or “win big” may be generic, but guess what – they work. If you’re offering a prize or another reward for filling out the survey, make sure that’s what you’re flaunting at the top of your collateral.

Need help producing or distributing online surveys? Talk to the experts at Wax Custom Communication by calling 305-350-5700 or visiting