idea generation

Idea Generation: 4 Quick Tips

Every award-winning ad or marketing campaign you’ve ever come across started the same way: as an idea. For larger healthcare organizations, throwing money at a think tank and other idea incubators is easy. For smaller organizations, however, generating ideas can prove difficult when you have a ton of other things to do.

Thankfully, idea generation doesn’t have to take a lot of resources. It’s actually fairly straightforward. Here are four easy ways to inspire ideas for your next healthcare campaign.

  1. Read — a lot. Healthcare is a crowded field. And because it’s constantly changing, you need to read about the changing landscape to stay on top of your game. If you haven’t been keeping up on trends and other important industry information, it’s time to get started. Knowledge is power, and in this case, it’s also a catalyst for ideas.
  2. Look at top keywords. When was the last time you looked at your site’s top keywords (and the top ones in your industry)? Review the keywords you’re currently ranking for and think of new ways you can continue to leverage them. And if you’ve found some new keywords that you aren’t ranking for, get to work: There’s a treasure trove of content waiting to be created around them.
  3. Write things down. Inspiration can strike at any moment. You might be sitting on the bus, playing with your kids or cheering on your favorite sports team when something just clicks in your head. Instead of waiting until you’re back at work to build on that idea, write it down. First of all, this ensures you won’t forget it. More importantly, isolating it from everything else running around in your brain gives you a chance to really think about your idea with some clarity.
  4. Analyze your competitors. When you’re stuck in an idea rut, see what your peers are doing. Sign up for their newsletters, follow them on social media and check out what they’re writing about. Odds are they’ve thought of topics you haven’t even considered. How can you use those subjects to your advantage? Pull their ideas and put your own unique twist on it.

Need help generating content ideas? Call Wax Custom Communications at 305-350-5700 or visit to get started.