organic content

Is SEO Dead? Why Organic Content Still Matters

“Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated,” or so search engine optimizations would say if it could speak. We’ve been hearing for years that SEO no longer matters, Pay-Per-Click is everything and video is taking over.

OK, that last might be true, but it doesn’t mean SEO is now irrelevant. Quite the opposite, in fact, because how will your users ever find your stunning, informative video content if not through search?

Organic content still counts because it helps to build trust. Search engines (read: Google) trust websites that do the following:

  • Follow best practices, including keyword optimization.
  • Publish quality more than quantity with a focus on usefulness, which puts organic contact above paid content.
  • Has been more active for a longer period; regular publishing of fresh content is evidence of longevity.

Organic Content Still Carries Clout

The 2017 State of Pipeline Marketing survey shows organic search still delivers a significant contribution to B2B marketing channels. This makes it vital for healthcare websites to rank in organic search for the terms your patient base is likely to use. The ways of searching for solutions have changed, and with buyers now using search engines more than they did 10 years ago, companies are realizing that optimized organic content is a viable way to reach their target audiences.

Driving Voice Search

Voice search is currently still in infancy, but it’s rapidly gaining in popularity. Mobile search has grown over the past few years, with Google confirming in 2015 that 60 percent of users preferred searching with mobile devices.

Since typing on tiny screens is a pain, voice search is the ideal way to do this. The algorithm translates voice prompts into keywords and matches them to content the same as a text search does. So, no matter which format your content takes, it needs to conform to SEO practices in order to be found through voice search.

Link-Building Strategies are IN

Building internal and external links has been a cornerstone of SEO for a long time, and nothing has changed in that department. If anything, Google is tougher on the quality of backlinks, and this trend is expected to continue into 2018. Where you could once get away with backlinks to average-caliber websites, your link-building process now needs to include high-quality sources and add value to the content to avoid penalization.

For more information on how to optimize your organic healthcare content for search, call Wax Custom Communications at 305-350-5700 or visit