Identify your web visitors, generate more leads

Yesterday I wrote about how important it is for businesses to “unscramble” their e-mail analytics to create relevant e-communications for clients. I also mentioned that sales and marketing teams should link up to harmonize messages to their clients’ expressed needs. Well recently wrote about a company that essentially “matches IP addresses with detailed company info.”

Demandbase’s Demandbase Stream™ is a free desktop tool that takes the guessing out of b2b web traffic analysis by identifying IP addresses from your business’ industry targets in real time and providing contacts for sales teams to follow up with. The premium services, of course, offer more in-depth information that can probably add another layer of confidence when a salesperson reaches for the phone. But the basic tool is free and can save you from spending valuable resources “unscrambling” murky reports.

– Natasha Dorsainvil

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