Smile with Happier

When you think of social media, the first names that come to mind are Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. But these days, social media is becoming very niche oriented. There are channels that help provide healthcare support and others specifically for medical residents. All are great ways to exchange information.

What these – and most other social networks – have in common is a platform for open communication that is both positive and negative.

For those who frown on negativity, there’s a social network simply dedicated to happiness. Happier is a location meant for photos and status updates about things that makes its users happy. No happy moment is too small, and no negativity is allowed.

These types of updates can be made on Facebook and Twitter, but the founders of Happier felt those spaces were too broad and that users felt like they had to make an impression with each happy moment they shared. So far there have been a million happy moments posted to Happier by more than 100,000 people.

With so much negativity and depression in the news these days, Happier, available for the iPhone and web based, is a great new alternative for people to share what makes them smile as well as to see what others are smiling about. It can really inspire others.

For more information on Happier and other niche social networks that are improving health, contact Wax Custom Communications at 305-350-5700 or visit

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