So you bought a domain for your healthcare organization – now what? If your website is just a homepage and a Contact Us section, your odds of getting traffic or conversions are practically nil. By adding search engine-optimized pages to your site, you increase the likelihood that someone stumbles upon...
Targeted Landing Pages Are Key for Healthcare
Having a consumer understand a healthcare website can be extremely challenging. The verbiage can get complicated and if your hospital offers a variety of different services, prospects can get very confused, not know where to go and end up bouncing off the website altogether.If you are looking to have your...
Ladies and gentlemen, the color of the year
Think of the clear hue of the dappled waters of Biscayne Bay on a tranquil day. Or the blue-green semi-precious gemstone used in Native American jewelry. During these turbulent times, colormeister Pantone has announced that, for 2010, their color choice that will restore our serenity and well-being is PANTONE 15-5519. Or...