With the recent growth of Facebook Live and other live-streaming platforms, video has quickly overtaken our social media feeds and phone screens. Text and photos are great, but they can’t compare to watching a live seminar, a concert or even a cute cat video unfold. Adding video to your organization’s...
Waste Less Money, Get More Results
John Wanamaker, one of the pioneers of modern merchandising, famously said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half.” Almost a century after his death, it’s still a common complaint, but, it doesn’t have to be true anymore — especially when...
How SlideShare Can Increase Your Hospital’s Credibility
A hospital’s credibility is important for patient recruitment and retention. If you provide visible support through hospital leadership, people will come to you, utilize your services and become ambassadors on your behalf.One way to gain credibility is by using SlideShare. SlideShare is a popular presentation tool that allows you to...