Maximize Your Facility’s Marketing Efforts With Pinterest

Pinterest is a growing social network. With over 72 million users – 47 million in the U.S. alone – this photo-sharing social network shouldn’t be ignored by any business, including those of us in health care. While many hospitals and health care facilities use Pinterest to showcase motivational quotes and...

Digital Tools to Maximize Your Fundraising Efforts

Money is essential in the world of medicine, especially for medical research. It can be the difference in updated technology – and saving a life.While traditional fundraisers, charity dinners and walk-a-thons have always been great tools for generating this much-needed income, health care facilities now have another way of raising...

Add Interactivity to Your YouTube Channel: Annotate!

More than 1 billion unique users view the over 6 billion hours of video streaming each month on top video portal YouTube — and it’s not all fun and games! Serious businesses like hospitals have leveraged the channel to distribute non-static content enhancing brand reach and personality by targeting everyday...