WAX Case Study
WAX Case Study



When ChristianaCare decided to expand its footprint in southern Delaware by opening two new primary care practices, they knew they’d face challenges. They dominate their primary market but were practically unknown in this new one. So, they made a strategic decision to add a twist, based on a deep understanding of the audience and their needs.

Southern Delaware is popular with retirees, so ChristianaCare created an offering with them in mind. Called My65+, it’s a cutting-edge care model tailored specifically for people 65 and older that includes early detection and management of chronic conditions, facilitated virtual visits with top ChristianaCare specialists, nutrition guidance, medicine management with onsite pharmacists, and more – all delivered by providers specially trained to help older patients reach their best health.

The initial goal was to attract 450 new patients within the first year of operation.

By implementing a strategic marketing campaign that combined audience-specific messaging and creative with hyper-targeted placement on digital platforms supported by a presence in senior centers, malls, and other locations popular with the audience, WAX helped ChristianaCare not only meet that ambitious goal—we more than doubled it, and ahead of schedule!

Success required deep understanding, powerful creative, targeted distribution and constant optimization.

Understanding the Audience: In-depth market research and audience analysis were conducted to identify the needs, preferences and habits of the targeted demographic. Census data offered valuable demographic data, including projections that the 65+ population would grow by 16% over the next four years. Discharge data and the Delaware Health Tracker told us that residents of Sussex County have higher rates of blood pressure, high cholesterol, osteoarthritis and other chronic conditions than the state average. Analysis of these and other data gave us the insights we needed to write and produce creative messages that would resonate with the audience.

Powerful Creative: Our creative team crafted engaging content that resonated with the audience and motivated them to action. “Primary Care for People 65+” was the thread that connected all appeals. Pointing out that ChristianaCare’s My65+ program is designed to specifically address the issues we knew were most important to the audience differentiated the new locations from competitors who offer a broader “one-size-fits-all” approach to primary care. Secondary and tertiary messages promoted the convenient locations and touted ChristianaCare’s “Love & Excellence” brand position.

Targeted Distribution: The media mix for this campaign focused on tactics most likely to reach the audience where they were already spending their time. Targeted digital advertising on Facebook, Instagram, and Google search and display put our messages in the palm of our prospect’s hands; literally, as our data showed a high propensity for these older, recently retired people to stay connected with family and friends using smart phones. Direct mail drops and touchscreen ads in the local senior center further reinforced the electronic messages. All of this was backed up by the strategic use of billboards, bus shelters, mall stands and prominently placed print ads.

Analysis and Optimization: Continuous monitoring of key metrics allowed us to make real-time adjustments to digital tactics based on the performance of various platforms, messages and creative approaches – leading to increased performance and efficient budget utilization.


New Patients in First 9 Months


Campaign Goal

ChristianaCare My65+ ad featuring an older couple smiling and hugging at home. The text reads: Love and Excellence Comes to Rehoboth! Primary care for people 65+. Services offered include preventive screenings, medication management, and specialist coordination. Learn more at ChristianaCare.org/Rehoboth-My65 or call to schedule an appointment.
ChristianaCare My65+ ad featuring an older man wearing a blue workout shirt and holding a yoga mat, smiling confidently. The background shows a home environment with stone walls.
ChristianaCare My65+ ad featuring three older women walking arm-in-arm on a sunny beach. They are smiling and enjoying the day. The ocean is visible in the background with clear skies.