What we did and learned at Wax today

How we spent our day working at Wax Custom Communications.

The first thing Alex, Elisabeth and Brooke did was look out the window and see a great view.

Then we got introduced to some of the people at Wax.

We got a tour of the office from Bill Wax, the owner, and he explained to us what each person does in the company.

First we met Darrin the Art Director. The Art Director manages all the artists in the company. He looks at what people designed and talks about good ideas and what they could be.

Next we met Gretchen, the Editorial Director. The Editorial Director works with the words in a magazine, types them into a computer and puts them into the magazine.

Next we met Julian, the Sales Director. The Sales Director brings in customers.

Next we met Rick, the IS Director. The IS Director makes sure all the computers are working. He goes into a room with lots of wires and computers to makes sure the phones work. He builds websites.

Next we met Fiorella, an Account Executive. An AE works with customers.

Next we went across the hall to learn more about people and their jobs at Wax. While there we met Claudio, one of the artists.  Claudio made us signs with gingerbread cookies and our names.

Caroline was another person we met. She puts in the words for the magazines and makes sure they are right.

We met a lot of other people, but don’t remember what they did at the company.

After meeting everyone, we went to a meeting. The people at the meeting were talking about the magazines and business. While the meeting was going on, we were doing an art contest.

We went into the art room and looked for a sharpener. We looked and looked, but could not find it till Christian told us where it was. We needed the sharpener to sharpen some colored pencils that we used to draw pictures.

We went to lunch across the street at Bayside with Rick and Julian (Brooke’s dad). After lunch, Rick (Alex and Elisabeth’s dad) went to a meeting and Julian got us ice cream. Nicolas (Bill’s son) also came to lunch with us.

— Brooke, Alex, Elisabeth and Nicolas

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