Why Blogging Is Essential for a Hospital Website

Even though it may not be a priority, blogging on your hospital’s website can serve a wide array of marketing purposes and offers benefits both online and offline for the facility.

When blog posts are added, they can provide the world with new information that a general website doesn’t provide. This information can include new doctors who have joined the hospital, new medicine advances, timely health tips like flu shot campaigns and information about upcoming blood drives, to name a few examples.

While a tweet or Facebook post offers instant benefits, you can only go so far in your message. A blog post allows you to expand on that information and provides an outlet for your posts or tweets.

Also, blog posts should always sit on your domain, so they can be used to drive traffic to more conversion-oriented pages within the hospital website.

Blogs also have a ton of search engine optimization (SEO) benefits because Google and other search engines love fresh relevant content – and that’s exactly what a blog provides. The more unique content you provide, the higher your hospital will come up in the results when someone does a search for that type of info on a search engine.

Not enough time or resources to blog? Hire a professional like Wax Custom Communications to help get that fresh content working on your hospital’s behalf. For more information call 305-350-5700 or visit waxcom.com.