Few things are as personal to individuals as their own health. That means if you really want to reach healthcare consumers with relevant information, then your marketing needs to be personalized as closely as possible.
Here are four things you need to know before you embark on personalized marketing to ensure your efforts are successful.
1. Only Quality Succeeds
Research by the University of Texas shows humans prefer personalized experiences because they like to control both the quantity and quality of information they receive. In these days of information overload, when people get content relevant to their lives and needs, it reduces the anxiety caused by the floods of material coming at them from all directions. It enables them to connect emotionally, and emotions influence 80 percent of all purchase decisions. It distills the multitude of choices available down to ones that actually matter.
2. Business Intelligence is Essential
Identity might begin with having a consumer’s name, but it requires much more than that. To really personalize your healthcare marketing effectively, you need basic data such as age, gender and location, behavioral data and preferences, and purchase history, at the very least.
Consider the very fundamental example of prescription refills. Some clients don’t want reminders; others sign up for voice, text, or email alerts. Delivering these requires access to multiple data sources, quality control to ensure the information is accurate, and automation to make sure reminders go out at the right time, using the right “tone” and employing the client’s chosen channel.
3. Micro-Moments Matter
The way people feel on a minute-by-minute basis can have a huge effect on whether they get the help they need in a timely fashion. Healthcare marketers wanting to reach consumers in specific moments of their lives need to offer personalized content for every possible micro-moment.
Whether a user wakes up feeling unwell or suddenly develops excruciating pain, catching them at this stage requires you to have answers to questions readily available to serve up when they search. Local convenience is key for healthcare, so when someone searches for help, personalization requires top-notch local SEO to ensure you come up in the results.
4. AI is Your Friend
Artificial intelligence is already changing the way healthcare marketing works by the speed at which it learns patients’ habits and preferences. Now, AI can watch individuals’ personal calendars, send medication reminders, promote exercise and ensure timely clinic visits. By making this option available to prospects, you not only gather extensive personal data but ensure your company is top-of-mind with consumers at all times.
For more information about personalizing your marketing, call Wax Custom Communications at 305-350-5700