We constantly put our collective ears to the ground to stay up-to-date with healthcare marketing trends. The concept of pillar pages is worth exploring. It’s not really new, but the way it’s being used has evolved. Previously known as cornerstone content, pillar content serves as the foundation for your online information....
Gutenberg: A Look at WordPress’s New Content Editor
If your healthcare organization has a blog, chances are good that you use WordPress as a content management system. After all, it is the most popular CMS in the world. The internet juggernaut recently redesigned its content editor, and the new one– Gutenberg -- can take a bit of getting used to. Not sure what you’re looking...
Likes, Fans and Followers: 5 Ways to Create a Winning Facebook Page for Your Hospital
If the ultimate goal of your social media efforts is to drive more traffic through your doors, there’s no better way to do it than with a well-thought-out Facebook strategy. Here’s how: Get the word out. Let everyone know you’re on Facebook. Start by creating an easy-to-remember URL that directs...