Using Social Media to Build Your Facility’s Credibility

Social media can be an incredibly powerful marketing tool because your messages can potentially reach a large amount of people instantly. What works for industries like retail and hospitality – exaggerations and big adjectives – won’t work well for those of us in the healthcare industry, however. Credibility is crucial...

How SlideShare Can Increase Your Hospital’s Credibility

A hospital’s credibility is important for patient recruitment and retention. If you provide visible support through hospital leadership, people will come to you, utilize your services and become ambassadors on your behalf.One way to gain credibility is by using SlideShare. SlideShare is a popular presentation tool that allows you to...

Creating Infographics Can Help Increase Your Hospital’s Credibility

When a person is looking for a healthcare facility for themselves or their loved ones they are most likely going to do their homework. The first place they are going to look is online.Your facility’s website, niche social media sites and other online health forums should be providing valuable information...