Healthcare marketing campaigns for new movers

Turn New Movers Into New Patients

A robust new mover program is an essential marketing tactic for hospitals to increase market share. Programs typically involve a combination of direct mail, targeted digital marketing, and branded premiums. People who are new to your area have no previous experience with you or your competitors, so they’re open to your introductions. Welcoming them to town is a powerful opportunity to drum up new business!

And it all starts with primary care.

As you know, primary care is often the first point of contact for patients, and what happens after that first contact can make or break referrals for other specialties and services within the network.

Here’s what you need to know to get started.

Data. Data. Data. With a touch of personalization. 

You need data – and lots of it. Look for a marketing partner that can manage data and offer insights into your audiences. New residents of your area will fall into multiple demographic categories, and understanding them can drastically boost your messaging efforts.

The big takeaway: Personalized mailers have a higher response than generic, one-size-fits-all campaigns. Make sure that your marketing partner can provide variable printing to bring highly targeted, personalized campaigns to life.

Make them an offer they won’t want to refuse.

If you’re competing for market share, your new mover mailers won’t be the only ones they receive. So what can you do to stand out? Like we said, a personalized mailer is the first step at getting their attention. And whatever personalized mailer you send out should include an offer for a thoughtful premium – one that gets your recipients to act.

Make it something they want: Here at Wax, we saw a significant uptick in response rates for one of our clients when we changed the premium from the typical pedometer to a digital thermometer. If you’re not sure what your audience prefers, try testing a few ideas to see what works best for you – it’s all about that data.

Make it easy to respond (and track).

Once you’ve invested in data to send personalized mailers, you’ll have what you need to create dynamic landing page experiences. Send your targets to a custom landing page that offers primary care provider options in their specific area, with messaging for their specific needs (young families vs. older audiences, etc.). Make it easy by providing the options of responding by scanning a QR code, visiting a vanity URL, or sending back the business reply card.

Test and optimize.

We recently modified an ongoing new mover campaign for one client to incorporate data-based variable printing, personalized landing page experiences, and attractive premiums. That adjustment generated a 3.7% response rate and 3.8% engagement rate in Q4 of 2022 – well above industry benchmarks. With additional optimization and learning, responses are up another 2% since.

Are you considering a new mover campaign? Our Wax marketing monsters are ready to help you connect with new patients and turn them into lifelong customers. Let’s get in touch.