Why Has My Page Rank Dropped?

Has your traffic dipped recently? If it has and you have no idea why, take a closer look at your search rankings – you might have dipped. With Google and other search engines constantly manipulating their algorithms, even the slightest change on their end can have drastic effects on your...

Why You Need a Content Calendar

Whether you’re a big organization or a small company, a content calendar is an essential part of your marketing strategy. Without a content calendar, it’s easy to lose track of content and have it pile up (or not happen at all). If you’re thinking about creating a content calendar, stop...

Is SEO Dead? Why Organic Content Still Matters

“Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated,” or so search engine optimizations would say if it could speak. We’ve been hearing for years that SEO no longer matters, Pay-Per-Click is everything and video is taking over. OK, that last might be true, but it doesn’t mean SEO is now...