Blurred Lines: Angling for Advantage in the “New Normal” of the ACA

Would you rather get your healthcare from an insurance company or buy your health insurance from a hospital system? It may sound like a strange question, but it’s already a decision many Americans are facing. And it’s going to become increasingly common. Why is this happening? Simple. The Affordable Care...

Waste Less Money, Get More Results

John Wanamaker, one of the pioneers of modern merchandising, famously said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half.” Almost a century after his death, it’s still a common complaint, but, it doesn’t have to be true anymore — especially when...

Tracking Campaign Effectiveness: The “Don Draper Days” Are Over

As binge-worthy as it was to watch, Mad Men also had its share of cringe-worthy moments for healthcare marketers. Over at Sterling Cooper, ridiculously expensive campaigns were sold on the strength of clever creative work and a hot-shot pitch from dashing Don Draper. Never mind that the corporate muckety-mucks were...