Social media healthcare marketing

Social Media & Online Reviews: How Do They Affect Your Brand and Powerscore?

You have to be active on social media and online review sites … right?

We know the answer is ‘yes,’ but who is it for and how do you do it well? These are questions hospital marketers ask themselves daily.

Watch this webinar to find out the results of our latest consumer study on who follows hospital social media channels and to what extent consumers’ healthcare decisions are influenced by online reviews. We’ll teach you how to you use this consumer data to hone your social media efforts for better results.

And we’ll look at our proprietary descriptive statistic called PowerScore to help you determine your rank against the competition in terms of social reach and effectiveness.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Which audiences are most impacted by your social presence — and how they perceive its value
  • How geography, age, gender, and income of health care consumers make a difference.
  • The ways that online reviews affect consumers’ healthcare decisions and how to manage them effectively.
  • How to develop a strategic social communications platform that inspires action and brings return on your investment.
  • What the PowerScore is and how you can use it to compare yourself to the competition and track your progress over time.