Use of electronic health records (EHRs) has begun to skyrocket in the past few years. Currently. 70 percent of family physicians have now adopted them in their practices, and that number is projected to rise to 80 percent by the end of 2013.EHRs aren’t just a great way to keep...
A New Way to Research Rare Diseases
It takes an average of nine years for a rare disease patient to get an accurate diagnosis, according to the National Organization for Rare Disorders. That amount of time can be very frustrating for many patients and their families.
How to monitor your hospital’s brand on the net for FREE: Setting Google Alerts
When it comes to monitoring your hospital’s brand, the more resources you have, the better. One of those resources is Google Alerts, a service that sends you an email summarizing what the Internet is saying about your hospital or brand. The great thing about Google Alerts is that the summaries...