Do you stop composing an e-mail when an IM comes in? What about when the phone rings? Where does a Tweet fit into all this? The intriguing Information is Beautiful site sorts through all your multi-tasking priorities in a chart called the Hierarchy of Digital Distractions.All this, of course, overlooks...
Are you updating Facebook today?
According to Virtue SRM (Social Relationship Manager), you probably won't deck your wall with any updates until next week because Facebook's click through rates take a dive on Thursdays only to tick back up on Sundays. Even with this data, marketers shouldn't scurry to concentrate their social messaging...
Mixing work with social media
This poor Brit learned about Facebook manners the hard way—with a virtual pink slip reply from her boss. And since she was axed mid-August, her faux pas has gone global through viral e-mails. While she provided a dash of humor to my Monday morning, she also inspired me to ponder...