Video Games Aren’t Just About Having Fun…They Are Improving Healthcare

Video games have evolved into much more than an entertainment portal or a way for kids to stay out of trouble. They’re being used in a variety of therapeutic ways

What do you think of when you hear “video games” – Super Mario Bros. or Sonic The Hedgehog on a Nintendo or Sega Genesis? Think again. Video games have evolved into much more than an entertainment portal or a way for kids to stay out of trouble.

They’re being used in a variety of therapeutic ways to help improve health such as:

  • Treating Dyslexia – A recent study found that video games, specifically ones that involve action, help children dealing with dyslexia. The games allowed kids to read faster and helped them to better focus their attention.
  • Help in Learning –Gone are the days of Donkey Kong. Many video games now tell a story and have a plot, like World of Warcraft. This can be motivating for people with autism and demonstrate how they can increase their interpersonal skills and provide a feeling of self accomplishment.
  • Combat Pain – A virtual reality game called SnowWorld can help patients with severe burns. Based on the idea that pain competes with other mental stimuli for attention spans, the game helps burn victims feel better. Patients are actively involved in the game, so they can’t devote their resources in thinking about their burns.

To learn more about how new technology, including video games, is changing medicine for the better contact Wax Custom Communications at 305-350-5700 or visit

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