Gutenberg: A Look at WordPress’s New Content Editor

If your healthcare organization has a blog, chances are good that you use WordPress as a content management system. After all, it is the most popular CMS in the world. The internet juggernaut recently redesigned its content editor, and the new one– Gutenberg -- can take a bit of getting used to. Not sure what you’re looking...

Spruce Up Your “Meet the Team” Page

Your healthcare organization’s website isn’t just a place to showcase the company portfolio – it’s also a prime opportunity to showcase your talent. By shining the spotlight on your workers, you’re humanizing your company. People are more likely to work with you rather than a faceless corporation with a cookie-cutter...

3 Ways to Write for Your Audience

Healthcare is a tricky subject to write about. Whether you’re writing a blog, a landing page, an ad or some other piece of content, it’s important to keep your audience in mind. Are you writing for physicians? Are you writing for the “average Joe?” Depending on the target, your writing...