Animated GIFs: A New Tool to Get Attention on Twitter

Healthcare facilities and hospitals have utilized Twitter in interesting ways. From live Tweeting a brain surgery to providing readers with important news and information during tragic events, such as the Boston Marathon bombing. Twitter recently announced that now you can share and view animated GIFs on as well as...

How SlideShare Can Increase Your Hospital’s Credibility

A hospital’s credibility is important for patient recruitment and retention. If you provide visible support through hospital leadership, people will come to you, utilize your services and become ambassadors on your behalf.One way to gain credibility is by using SlideShare. SlideShare is a popular presentation tool that allows you to...

Tips to Create Unique Social Media Content for Your Hospital

So your healthcare facility has all its social media accounts set up, optimized with descriptions, office hours and custom graphics created. Now what? It’s all about creating content that is truly unique.Creating content isn’t always easy. In addition, with HIPAA laws you have to be very careful on what you...