The truth has finally come out — crystal balls don’t work and fortune tellers can’t tell the future. Just ask convicted storefront psychic Celia Mitchell. After years of fleecing customers in Manhattan, she was convicted of grand larceny. During a hearing, she was asked point blank whether the psychic business...
Why You Need an Analytics Expert on Your Team
Once you’ve created and executed a digital marketing campaign, what are you doing with the data you collect? You are collecting data about how your campaigns are performing, right? Is your organization using that data to improve future marketing efforts? Or is it falling to the wayside? Data can make...
5 Research Tools Every Healthcare Marketer Needs
Research is critical to successful marketing, healthcare or otherwise. Does your audience see you as an authority in healthcare? Is your content connecting with consumers? In order to answer “yes” to these questions, you need to know your prospects inside and out. And that requires research. Fortunately, there are a...